Monday, December 20, 2010

Sweet Remembrances

Sow good services: sweet remembrances will grow from them.
– Madame de Stael

Kindness is the best service we can provide for others.  No matter what is happening around you, you always have a choice to react with your ego or to react with kindness.

Rarely are we remembered as we are.  More often we are remembered by our deeds.

Commit good deeds and kind services and you will be remembered for them. 

People WANT to think good thoughts and feel good about you.  By acting from your true self, you give them plenty of evidence to associate with you.

But here's the Magick~ You will also remember your own kindness and that will bring you to think good thoughts and feel good things about YOURSELF.

One simple kindness can touch many.

Great Titles by Madame de Stael

Ten Years' Exile Memoirs of That Interesting Period of the Life of the Baroness De Stael-Holstein, Written by Herself, during the Years 1810, 1811, 1812, ... from the Original Manuscript, by Her Son.
Ten Years' Exile: Memoirs of that Interesting Period of the Baroness De Steal-Holstein

Madame de Stael: The First Modern Woman
Madame de Stael: The First Modern Woman

Madame de Stael
Madame De Stael

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