– Albert Einstein
One must admit, if there's ANYONE who might know what they're talking about, it is likely to be Albert Einstein. Seriously, with an IQ of like, 10 billion (snicker*), you sort of just assume.
Fortunately, I don't have to take Al's word on this one because I live the most miraculous life!
It wasn't always that way, though. I spent the first twenty-six years of my life behaving as though life were happening TO me, from beyond my control. And miracles were reserved for people in foreign countries where stone statues of Mother Mary wept blood.
I can understand why Albert would draw such a conclusions about life and miracles though, because when I realized that every moment is a miracle, for myself, it was after I began looking into quantum physics.
Once I realized that every "solid" thing in the Universe is NOT solid, and that the closer you look at something, the more expansive it becomes (looking into matter to find atoms and into atoms to find particles, to find subatomic particles etc..), I recognized that the true miracle of life isn't the forms that we see. It's the organizing force that holds all these things together, causing them to preform specific functions and movements etc.
When you team up with that organizing force, and treat it as though it is necessary and loved and perfect and there to create WITH you, you begin to see everything around you as a miracle.
This laptop computer upon which I am currently typing these thoughts that I'm having, is a miracle. How could it NOT be? What are the chances that some HUMAN could have the thoughts that would lead them to create such an amazing and complex piece of technological machinery?
And that thought I just had, in the above paragraph; Where did that come from?
If I were to lie down in a CAT scan machine, you might be able to see chemical reactions in my brain that signify the processing of a thought, but no one has ever figured out exactly where the thought itself comes from.
It's all miraculous. Never mind the miracle that IS a CAT scan.
I also look back through my past at people I've met and places I've been and "tragedies" that have occurred, and can see how every single step, no matter how minuscule and insignificant, has lead me somewhere I'd have otherwise not gone. And had I not gone there, I couldn't have made it HERE.
Something really beautiful happens to your life when everything you see becomes a miracle. When you contemplate all things in awe and adoration, instead of disgust and irritation.
The more disgust and irritation you observe, the more disgusting and irritating your life will feel to you.
But if what you are observing and convinced of is purpose, miracles, and God (aka. that organizing force/space in between), then the more purpose filled, miraculous, Spiritual your life will feel to you.
How do you want to feel?
The beauty of Life is, it's completely up to you.
Ideas and Opinions |
The World as I See It |
Einstein: His Life and Universe |
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