Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Manifest Spirit

Spirituality is not what we think about God or theology, it’s
participation. That’s all it is.
– Anne Wilson Schaef

I really loved this quote this morning.

I've been seeing a lot of posts about Law of Attraction lately where people want to know the magic formula to manifest a new job or a boyfriend/girlfriend or a new house, etc.

"What should I do if I want to manifest _____ ?"

And you can't give them the answers because even if you TRY to, they don't want to hear about having fun and enjoying life alone and BEing the change they want to see in the world.  They want you to give them a visualization, an affirmation, and tell them a whole bunch of things they've already heard and already know.

They want YOU to take care of the participation.

They want to put together "happy" like it's some kind of recipe from Better Homes and Gardens.  They don't want to grow in their consciousness, they want to remain IN the world while using power not OF the world to give them worldly happiness.

The Spirituality is missing from the Law of Attraction as it's presented in The Secret.

Spirituality isn't what you THINK about the higher power.  It isn't your theories on It or your ideas or words or belief, even.  Your Spirituality is your practiced connection TO It.

It's your participation in your coming to the realization that you ARE It.

If you want to manifest "X" then you have to do the work.  You have to bridge the gaps and experience the growth and shift the perception and create the magick.  You have to participate in your own enlightenment.

I know we live in a world where we are constantly striving for instant gratification, but I promise that if you take the time and dedicate your mind via intention, the rewards you will reap will so far outshine your original expectations.

Great Titles by Anne Wilson Schaef

Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much - Revised edition Living in Process: Basic Truths for Living the Path of the Soul Meditations for Living in Balance: Daily Solutions for People Who Do Too Much

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