Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good to the Last Drop

We were all given the same amount of spirit. None more, none less. The difference between individuals is allowing the Spirit to have more of you.
– Bear Heart

The Spirit of God, Source, The Universe... It fills us all.  We are all made of It and we all live in It.

How in tuned you are to It is completely up to you.  You will see what you wish to see and feel what you wish to feel.

If what you are wishing to see and feel is a divine presence of goodness in your life, leading you unerringly in the direction you long to be going... then that is what you will see and feel.


You cannot just invite the Spirit into your life to direct it and be done.  Calling Spirit into your life is a constant thing.  The more you think of your Higher Self in all that you do, the more you will automatically include Spirit into your everyday doings.

And the more Spirit is included in your everyday doings, the more your everyday doings will bring you peace and joy.

You are like a human cup.  Fill yourself with Spirit every day and let Spirit fill your life.

Great Titles by Bear Heart & Other Native Americans

The Wind Is My Mother: The Life and Teachings of a Native American Shaman The Wisdom of the Native Americans Spirits of the Earth: A Guide to Native American Nature Symbols, Stories, and Ceremonies

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