Monday, July 12, 2010

Stop Begging! Start Manifesting!

Do you remember that first spark of hope you felt when you watched The Secret? I clearly remember the desire that filled my heart, knowing that – Yes, I can make my dreams come true – FINALLY!

But how many of you soon saw that hope dwindle into frustration? How many of you (and be honest now) started muttering things like:

- “It seems to work for other people, but I just can’t get it right.”
- “I’m frustrated that sometimes I can get it to work, but sometimes I can’t. What’s the trick?”
- “Why am I having so much trouble?”
- “I think the universe is against me.”
- “I’m trying very, VERY hard but still nothing is happening!”

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. About 97% of people also couldn’t make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time round. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A child doesn’t learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?

But in practice, everything is easier said and done. When you’re frustrated, it’s hard to stay positive. And it’s especially harder to stay positive when the evidence all around you is screams negativity like the unstable economy or senseless acts of violence such as those recently seen in Mumbai.

And do you know what happens when you fail to stay positive? That’s right – you start attracting negative things in to your life.

So how can you make the Law of Attraction work for you – without getting frustrated? How do those who successfully implement the Law of Attraction do it with such confidence and finesse?

Well, here’s three quick tips so you will never feel frustrated or tired of begging from the universe, because you know how to start manifesting like a pro.

1. Allow Yourself To Receive

Just like a lost child who approaches a police officer and asks, “Excuse me Sir, can you tell me how to go to the post office? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you?” Well, if the child goes on and on asking, the police officer can’t even give an answer, right?

Well, it’s the same thing with your mind. If the only thing your mind is doing is transmit, transmit, transmit, the universe — which is trying to respond — can’t give you a single thing because you’re not allowing yourself to receive!

So, have the confidence in yourself and stop exhausting yourself by running around person to person begging for riches, and then wondering why nobody is dropping a penny in your cup (Hint: It’s because you’re running away too fast for them before they can even reach for their wallets).

Just think of your desires and leave it out there, go away, and trust that your cup will be filled with gold coins (or whatever it is you asked for) when the time is right.

2. Be Patient With Yourself

Receiving takes time.

Sadly, many people give up just a couple of steps before the finish line because they’ve decided that if it’s not working by now, it’s never going to work at all. Worse still are those who throw in more and more energy because they think that with more resources, the results will come faster.

This is like expecting 9 mothers to conceive and deliver a baby in 1 month. You also can’t bake cookies in half the time by doubling the temperature. You’ll incinerate those cookies to ashes!

In simple terms: Everything in this world has a natural development time, and this fact will not change no matter what resources you throw at it.

So relax and be patient. Remember that you too, as part of the universe, are also governed by the laws of the universe, and you cannot change the natural development time.

If you remember this, you will less likely work yourself up into frustration, or worse, push yourself into a downward spiral of negativity.

3. Support and Educate Yourself

Like the child who is learning how to walk, you need support. You also need to guidance on how to do it, and also the role models to look up to.

Many people give up because they think that “The Secret” is the “be all and end all” solution. Well, it’s NOT. “The Secret” is just a small portion. It was never intended, and has never been, the whole answer.

Coming to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work when all you ever did to educate yourself was watch “The Secret” 19 times (without looking at changing the habits of other areas of your life) is like coming to the conclusion that exercising is not an effective way to lose weight because all you did is run on the treadmill for 2 hours a day (but you’re still stuffing yourself with fried foods and cheesecakes).

So seek and be hungry for new knowledge. Also, make an effort to be amongst people or communities where you can support each other, learn from each other and also share new knowledge that you have found.

While the Law of Attraction is not an overnight delivery service, it will indeed deliver, if you do your part too!

Check out the site here – go to

Law of Vibration - The Key To Understanding The Law of Attraction

By Yvonne Ellis

Of all the universal laws, the law of attraction is both the most fascinating and the most misunderstood.

Fascinating, because as humans we naturally want a tool to help create the life of our dreams, and the law of attraction can certainly help us to do that. Misunderstood because, unlike a tool that we can pull out and use now and again but is otherwise inactive, the law of attraction is operating in our lives constantly and independently, whether we are consciously aware of it, or believe in it, or not.

In other words, there is no need to engage the law of attraction, it is already at work in your life and always will be. So long as you are alive and breathing, the law of attraction is at work. This is great news! You are already using the law of attraction to create everything in your life whether you realise it or not. The results that you are experiencing: your career, finances, relationships, health, home, community, and so on, are a direct result of the law of attraction and your interaction with it in the form of thoughts and feelings.

If you're not creating the kind of life you want though, chances are you are creating by default, allowing the law of attraction to bring you more and more of the same. Unfortunately, we weren't handed a life manual at birth and, for many of us, our parents were not aware of the law of attraction and so did not teach us. At Attract Like Magic we are dedicated to helping you understand this powerful universal law and how you can begin to use the law of attraction to consciously create the life of your dreams. On the Attract Like Magic site, and in upcoming newsletters and articles, we will explore everything to do with the law of attraction and provide tools that will help you to harness its power.

But in order to really understand the law of attraction, you first need to understand another of the universal laws, the law of vibration.

Law of Vibration

According to the law of vibration everything is made of energy and has a distinct frequency or vibration. With the advent of powerful enough technology, science now agrees. Quantum physicists have shown that, although matter may appear to be solid, when you look at it through a high-powered microscope so that it is broken down into its smallest components: molecules, atoms, neutrons, electrons and quanta (the smallest particles measurable), it is ultimately mostly empty space interspersed with energy.

In other words, at the quantum level, everything is comprised of energy and empty space and what makes you, your home, your car, the chair you're sitting in, seem solid is the frequency of the vibration of the energy that makes it up.

Not only does your body and all that you consider to be "you" have a distinct and unique vibration (or more correctly a mix of vibrations), but your creations, in the form of thoughts, also have distinct vibrations which affect or blend with your overall vibration.

In turn, your vibrations affect everything around you - your environment, the people and animals around you, the inanimate objects, even the seemingly 'empty' space and they, in turn, affect you. That's why, when you walk into a room where there was an earlier argument, you can sense it. We even use terms like "bad vibes", "you can feel the tension", and "you could cut the air in here with a knife" to describe it. In each case what we are referring to is the energy imprint of the earlier occupants.

Similarly, you may have gone to someone's home, office or business where, as soon as you entered, you felt the "good vibes" that filled the place. That's because, over time, a place becomes imbued with the energy imprints of the dominant vibrations of the people who live or work there. So a home, for example, can literally become filled with love or tension or anger or sadness or any other emotion, and that home will feel that way to a visitor even if none of the regular occupants are at home at the time. If you've ever entered such a place you may even have noticed how you just relaxed and felt good in response to the "good vibes" around you.

Of course, the extent to which you take on the vibrations of the people and things around you is up to you - but for most people, this is not a conscious decision.

So, you are giving off vibrations every second of every day. You are also simultaneously receiving and translating the vibrations of everything and everyone around you. If we use the analogy of television, you are both a television transmitter, beaming out your own unique station, and also a television set or receiver, able to tune in to all the stations or frequencies being broadcast around you. Sometimes we refer to these incoming vibrations as intuition or "gut feelings".

So how do you know what your vibration is at any moment?

Simple - ask yourself how you are feeling.

Your emotions are a quick and handy guide to your vibration in any moment. If you feel loving, you are vibrating at the frequency of love; if you feel angry, you are vibrating at the frequency of anger; if you feel curious, you are vibrating at the frequency of curiosity, and those vibrations are received by everything and everyone around you. You are also, through the law of attraction, bringing to you more experiences that will match this vibration so when you feel angry the law of attraction will bring to you more experiences that will elicit the feeling of anger, you will attract angry people and find yourself in the middle of angry situations.

Have you ever had a day where you felt lousy, but tried to pretend that everything was OK to family, friends or co-workers? It doesn't work does it? Your friends, family or co-workers know straight away that you are not how you are pretending to be. They may ask if something is wrong, or comment that you don't seem to be your normal self. They pick up on the incongruence between what you are saying and your vibration. Because we are not used to explaining in terms of vibrations, they may attribute their knowing to something more mundane like tone of voice or body language, but even people without the full use of their senses can detect this type of incongruence.

To sum up, you are sending out vibrations every moment of every day. Those vibrations are a mix of your thoughts and feelings and they affect everything around you. At the same time you are also receiving and translating the vibrations of everything around you (which can, in turn, affect your vibration by how you react to them). Now that we understand vibration, let's look at how it interacts with the law of attraction.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction, simply put, means energy attracts like energy. You may also have heard it expressed as "like attracts like', "that which is like unto itself is drawn" and even "thoughts become things".
The law of attraction is at work in your life every minute of every day. Your vibrations are constantly being broadcast to, and received, by the universe. This activates the law of attraction which then matches your vibrations and attracts to you similar vibrations in the form of people, things and situations in your life. In other words you are always creating your life through your thoughts and feelings. The conditions in your life, whether they are what you want or not, are always a match to your dominant vibrations.

The law of attraction, like all the universal laws, operates whether you are aware of it or not, or believe it or not. The often-used terms "what you focus on grows", "careful what you wish for (cause you just might get it)", "birds of a feather flock together" and "you can't get enough of what you don't want" are all examples of ways that we describe the law of attraction in action.

So, the question becomes - if your life is not how you would wish it to be, how do you change it? And the answer most often given by law of attraction and personal development teachers is a simple one - change your thoughts.

Simple - yes, but not easy. Here's why.

Somewhere between 94 - 98% of all thoughts are subconscious, that is, below or out of conscious awareness which means that only 2 - 6% of your thoughts are ever conscious. So, even if you managed to change all of your conscious thoughts to be positive, that still leaves an awful lot of subconscious thought, at least some of which would be negative, vibrating away in the background without you even being aware of it! If you're having trouble creating what you want in life, chances are your subconscious mind is at fault.

In our next article we will explore the subconscious mind and how it can interfere with your Law of Attraction efforts.

Yvonne Ellis has been studying personal and spiritual development for over 20 years. She teaches and coaches in these areas and is co-author of the website where you'll find loads of information about the Law of Attraction and the Universal Laws including free eBooks to start off or enhance your Law of Attraction library. To subscribe to the Attract Like Magic newsletter and make sure you don't miss out on our subconscious follow-up click here To receive your FREE Attraction Acceleration Report featuring Bob Proctor and Stephen Pierce click here

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is The Law of Attraction Just a Theory?

By John E Peace

In understanding the Law of Attraction, we come to realize that we attract into our lives whatever we give our Attention, Energy and Focus to. Whether wanted or unwanted. That with synchronicity, we attract from the outside what we resonate with, on the inside, bringing into our life what we momentarily strongly focus upon. In other words that by having an optimistic attitude and focusing on success, one attracts these, while having a cynical depressed attitude attracts negative experiences.

Could this be true?

During my introduction to the Law of Attraction, I needed to make a shift to the positive; I'd surely had enough negative experience to last a lifetime. Before to long my life carried on staying the same, bills, debt, more bills, more debt, you get the picture.

What was happening?

Understanding the Law of Attraction principles was not a problem, I focused on the positive, and all I was getting was the same old deal. We are told that we need faith, we need to believe and be grateful and this elusive Law of Attraction will kick in. Great, I had the answer, say thank you to everyone and all would be OK!

The postman got a thank you for not bringing a bill, the trolley boy at the supermarket got one for leaving a trolley out for me, so did the checkout girl because there was no queue, I thanked the ATM machine, the bank manager, the kid on the bike, my computer, the cooker, heck I must be the most grateful person on the planet, this Law of Attraction ain't going turn me down.

After a few days of this everything started to go wrong, you guessed it, the postman brought a bill, the trolley boy left no trolley, the checkout girl left a queue, even the ATM stopped giving me money.

What's going wrong? What was I missing?

Then those words rang out at me again, in understanding the Law of Attraction process you needed Faith and Belief. But how could I Believe? This stuff hadn't worked up to now, so how could I believe? Tell me how it works and then I'll Believe, "You don't need to know, you don't know how electricity works, but you still use it"

But that's not fair! With electricity, I don't need faith, I plug the kettle in and get a steaming cup of coffee, whether I believe it or not.

So the question is, if I focus on the fact that I have little money, bad health, or a poor relationship, how and why does the Law of Attraction respond by giving me more of what I'm focusing on?

And if I shift my focus to the positive how do my desires come true? And this is the great secret of the secret, in understanding The Law of Attraction and knowing how it works, you'll start to trust it
Trust it and you'll start to believe it. Believe it, and it will start to respond and only then can you start to refine, mould, and create your desired reality.

So How and why does the Law of Attraction, work?

This is not an easy question to answer, arguably the first self-improvement guide that existed, which mentioned, or more accurately referred to the law attraction, was the First Testament. We therefore have to take a 'Spiritual' or 'Religious' view.

So do I argue the existence of a God?

But then again, it is science that has put the law of attraction, back on the modern day 'table'.
So do I argue the fact of science?

You see, throughout history, it has been a battle of science and religion, from astrology to evolution, you could not sit on the fence, were you blinded by science or misguided by religion?
This is a dawn of a new age, where religion will need to embrace its own evolution, and science its spirituality.

Our minds are like parachutes, only functioning properly when fully open, and now is the time to 'Pull The Cord'. But for many people any consideration to the principles behind the way the Law of Attraction work is a futile exercise unless we can prove this Law.

Is it that the Law of Attraction, is just a theory?

Strictly speaking it is, but there is some confusion between what "theory" means informally, compared to a "theory" of science. In the scientific sense, a theory is a group of general propositions used as principles to explain a condition or phenomena.

So does this mean that the law, Attraction is uncertain?

Not at all, or more accurately speaking, as uncertain as electricity, gravity and evolution. Ah, I here you say, electricity and gravity are governed by laws! True, and here's the difference, a theory does not imply lack of certainty, but explains the reason for seeing a result, to our best understanding, a law however, implies that the results we see can be calculated in controlled conditions. Yes but as a theory, the law, Attraction has no proof!

Ok, but does that make it weak?

Has anything in the physical world ever been proved? Or will it ever be?

In the real world, we must deal with levels of certainty based on evidence. The more and better evidence we have for something, the more certainty we assign to it; when there is enough evidence, we label the something a fact, even though it still isn't 100% certain, or fully understood.

To use proof as an argument against the 'theory' of the law 'Attraction', is ridiculous ... you might as well argue that gravity is a theory, and that we can't assume objects will always fall to the ground, after all it's far from being completely understood.

What the Law Attraction has, is what any good scientific claim has, evidence, and lots of it. A wide range of observations throughout history supports the law Attraction and to challenge the theory, Attraction, you must address that evidence.

You must show that the evidence is either wrong or irrelevant, or that it fits another theory better.
Of course, to do this, you must know both the theory and the evidence. So what is the evidence of this law Attraction? One of the most successful self-help books of all time was a 25 year study of success principles documented by Napoleon Hill in his books Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich
Think and Grow Rich Hill refers to the law 'Attraction' as the 'Secret', which has made fortunes for more than five hundred exceedingly wealthy men whom he carefully analyzed over a long period of years.

This secret, the Law of Attraction, was brought to Hill's attention by Andrew Carnegie, asking Hill if he would be willing to spend twenty years or more, taking this principle to the world, to men and women who, without the secret, might go through life as failures.

This book contains the secret law Attraction, after having been put to a practical test by thousands of people, in almost every walk of life. It was Mr. Carnegie's idea that the magic formula, which gave him a stupendous fortune, ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money, and it was his hope that Hill might test and demonstrate the soundness of the formula through the experience of men and women in every calling.

He believed the formula should be taught in all public schools and colleges, and expressed the opinion that if it were properly taught it would so revolutionize the entire educational system that the time spent in school could be reduced to less than half.

Napoleon Hill analyzed hundreds of well known men, many of whom admitted that they had accumulated their vast fortunes through the aid of the Carnegie secret; among these men were: Ford, Wrigle, Wanamaker, Roosevelt, Hubbard, Wright, Schab, Gillette, Rockefeller, Edison, Woolworth and Bell.

"These names represent but a small fraction of the hundreds of well known Americans whose achievements, financially and otherwise, prove that those who understand and apply the Carnegie secret, reach high stations in life. I have never known anyone who was inspired to use the secret, who did not achieve noteworthy success in his chosen calling. I have never known any person to distinguish himself, or to accumulate riches of any consequence, without possession of the secret. From these two facts I draw the conclusion that the secret is more important, as a part of the knowledge essential for self-determination, than any which one receives through what is popularly known as education."

I do suggest that you read Think and Grow Rich, which you can download from the Law-of-Attraction-Guide Pdf Library. However Hills preceding book, The Law of Success, is a much clearer and concise version, but, an extremely rare book!

The Law of Success is one of our study books in the Law-of-Attraction-Guide Training Programme Unlock The Power of You
The Complete Law-of-Attraction-Guide

Exploring the ways that you can Apply and Master the Law of Attraction. With free resources, eBooks and Conceive-Believe-Achieve Magazine. Can you really bring into your life anything you desire?

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Is The Law of Attraction Really A Law?

By James Napier

Is the Law of Attraction a Law? To answer, let's define the Law of Attraction. "I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative," says Michael J. Losier in his book Law of Attraction, The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't.

"We speak learnedly of the Law of Gravitation, but ignore that equally wonderful manifestation, The Law of Attraction in the Thought World," William Walker Atkinson wrote in his 1908 treatise Thought Vibration or The Law of Attraction in the Thought World.

Atkinson saw Thought as "a Force - a manifestation of energy - having a magnet-like power of attraction," and he claimed the reason life denies us what we desire is "we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, that makes or mar our lives."

If we fall in love with whatever it is we desire to attain, if it becomes our ruling passion or desire, then the Law of Attraction, Atkinson believed, kicks in.

The Law, he assured his readers, will draw negative events to us if we're always negative and the things we desire if we maintain a positive state of mind and do not waver from our intended purpose.
Some people, including talk show host Larry King, have doubts about the efficacy of The Law of Positive Attraction because, it seems to bypass those born into awful poverty and starvation who will, no matter how positive their thoughts, probably die without a chance to ever raise themselves out of the circumstances into which they were born.

Witness what's going on in Darfur.

So is The Law of Attraction a Law as real as gravity or is it a work in progress - a "habit" of the universe rather than a ironclad Law?

Rupert Sheldrake, biologist with a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Cambridge University, has written more than ten books including A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past. Sheldrake says most of the laws of nature, as well as the universe, are more habits rather than Laws.

He states, "There is no need to suppose that all the laws of nature sprang into being fully formed at the moment of the Big Bang, like a kind of cosmic Napoleonic code, or that they [these Laws] exist in a metaphysical realm beyond time and space."

Eternal laws make sense to us. Aren't they why the universe works? This would seem, at first glance, to be the case.

Sheldrake thinks differently. He believes the universe learns, just as we do. Nature progresses, the laws of nature also progress, just as human laws evolve over time. Sheldrake's years of research have led him to conclude that the Laws of the Universe, so-called, are habits it has learned over time.

The more habits are repeated "the more probable they become, other things being equal." Habits of past members of the species are transmitted, he says, "through a kind of non-local resonance, called morphic resonance."

"Many kinds of organisms have habits," Sheldrake writes, "but only humans have laws."

Through what he calls Morphic resonance "the patterns of activity in self-organizing systems [which we are; which the universe is] are influenced by similar patterns in the past, giving each species and each kind of self-organizing system a collective memory," which is then integrated into what we humans call Laws but are actually habits of the species - and habits of the cosmos.

If Sheldrake is right, and I'm not arguing that he is, his theories would seem to suggest a different view of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction, therefore, may not be an eternal law but a habit progressing toward Law status. This "Law" may likely be a work in progress, not a final fact.

What does it mean when we hint that the Law of Attraction may be a work in progress and not an eternal law set in motion at the time of, or before, the origin of our universe, solar system, and earth?

The implications, actually, are pretty exciting.

In Self-Creation by George Weinberg, Ph.D., Weinberg indicates that "Every time you act you add strength to the motivating idea behind what you've done."

What this means is, "The act retypes the motivating message in your mind. When not acted on, the message becomes weaker as if fading from an electronic screen. When it is acted on it becomes brighter, louder, recharged, prompting more of the same acts." In other words, "Acting on any belief or feeling makes you believe or feel it more."

There is a two stage effect of any act, Weinberg says. "The immediate effect is to satisfy, assuage, reduce the motivating impulse behind it. The ultimate effect, however, is to strengthen it." The paranoid person, for example, who checks and rechecks the locks feels first stage relief, "and ultimate reinforcement of his paranoia."

How does what Weinberg is saying tie into our premise about "Law" of Attraction?

By the way, Self-Creation is not a book that mentions the Law of Attraction. It's about how our acts, our behaviors, intensify the motivating message behind the acts we perform which makes them, to a certain degree, habits - for better or worse.

Reading his book we discover that "Any acts of avoidance based on fear will entrench the fear,"
'Talking about our problems is the most impressive way a depressive keeps the depression going," Weinberg writes. "Start checking up on someone [you don't trust] and you'll become even more suspicious."
A man will never forgive you for the wrong he has done you," Weinberg says.

"That which I feared most has come upon me," Job in the Old Testament told his friends. Job blamed himself and his fears for his troubles. Doesn't Job's plight sound like the gravitation force of his fears, the "Law of Attraction" at work, making his worries visible? It would seem so, doesn't it?

It is a paradox that "Self-protection does not alleviate fear, it increases it."

"Love someone and they seem to become more worthy of your love," Weinberg writes.This how Law of Attraction advocates say the Law works. We attract the "vibrations" of other minds keyed to our thoughts.

In Using Your Mind For a Change, Richard Bandler observes that "Most people motivate themselves by thinking about how bad they will feel if they don't do something. A few people do the reverse. They use pleasant feelings as motivators. Those few," he writes, "live in an entirely different world than most people."

"Love someone and they seem to become more worthy of your love," Weinberg notes.
Is it possible that we, by our thoughts, actions, feelings, moods, and desires, for good or ill, are teaching the Habit of Attraction how to become the eternal Law of Attraction?

Might it be likely that all the wonderful things people who follow the "Law" of Attraction are doing - imagery, meditation, positive thinking, affirmations, cutting pictures of what they desire from magazines and creating Dream Boards - are showing the Habit of Attraction how, as a work in progress - to become a better, more dependable Law of Attraction?

If this is so, then the Habit of Attraction is Learning from us to become a better, more efficient, reliable friend and "Law" to our worthy desires, but it's also learning - from our human thought forms - how to create images on the screen of space colored by our inner fears and money worries as well as the images on our nightly network news.

Our thoughts are powerful Forces!

"Never lose sight of the great principle of autosuggestion," The great healer Emile Coue' told his patients who visited his clinic in Nancy, France, during the 1920's: "Optimism always and in spite of everything, even when events do not seem to justify it."

The Law of Habit of Attraction, learning from us and ever closer to becoming an eternal Law of Attraction - thanks to us - will, if we trust it - be a powerful ally.

"Then again he begins to set into motion the great Law of Attraction, whereby he draws to him help, and is, in turn, attracted to others who can aid him.," William Walker Atkinson writes. "This Law of Attraction is no joke, but is a great live working principle of Nature, as anyone may learn by experimenting and observing."
Whatever side you take in this discussion, it's always a good idea to remember the words of the comedian George Burns who said, "There's something to this thinking positive business!"

James Clayton Napier worked as a TV news anchor, talk show host, and feature story reporter in Texas for thirteen years. James interviewed thousands of people during his career from the highest and mightiest to those whose lives were so quiet they might never have been noticed had he not decided to tell their stories. He has also taught TV news reporting and speech communication at three universities. Learn more about James' current projects at

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Friday, July 9, 2010

Law of Attraction - Cooperative Reality

By Peter Royle

Universal Law
There has been an enormous amount of discussion lately about the Law of Attraction,

you could say that the Law of Attraction has gained celebrity status as the personal

development tool of the moment, the current popular method for manifesting your dreams.

What most people don't realize is that the Law of Attraction is not a new idea, in fact

it's not even an old idea in the sense that there

was a point in time when somebody coined the phrase and suddenly everyone began using it

like some new appliance. Someone of course did invent the phrase Law of Attraction,

but in the same way that Sir Isaac Newton invented the word gravity. The Law of Attraction

like gravity, just is, no one owns the rights to it, in fact it is impossible to avoid using it.
The Law of Attraction is one of many laws by which mankind has been operating

consciously or unconsciously since the dawn of time. Most people are blissfully unaware

of how these laws affect their lives and equally unaware that the power of these laws can

be harnessed and used to great effect on a daily basis.
Since the release of the movie The Secret, the Law of Attraction has come to the forefront

in peoples minds as the ultimate tool for changing your life

and that is a good thing. I find however that many people after watching

and reading information about the Law of Attraction are still somewhat confused as to how

it actually works. There is a lot of talk about holding images in the mind, sending

thought vibrations out to the universe, maintaining a state of expectation and gratitude,

and waiting for the universe to respond by the Law of Attraction and provide that upon

which you have focussed your intention, and so on. All of these things are very wonderful

and I have found all of them useful in my own learning, but none of these ideas provided me with

truly satisfactory answers about how the Law of Attraction actually works, both

spiritually and scientifically.
Now if you're anything like me, blind faith just doesn't cut it, most people like

at least to have some kind of decent explanation for why they should get involved with

the Law of Attraction, otherwise we tend to reject the whole idea outright, which would

be a unfortunate indeed.

Vital Knowledge
The trouble that I think some people have is that they hear about incredible success

stories involving the Law of Attraction, amazing tales of people that have gone from

having an average kind of existence to living a life that most people only dream about,

and then set out in good faith to achieve similar results. Clearly not everyone achieves

the results they had hoped for, why is this? Has the Law of Attraction failed? Are all of

the success stories bogus? Are they just clever ploys to get us to buy books and movies

about how to use the Law of Attraction?
There are many individual claims about the Law of Attraction bringing great abundance

and the fulfillment of great dreams, and there are also charlatans in every area of life,

religious, secular, scientific, but it would be a great mistake to reject a concept of

such potential because of a few con artists, you might as well give up on all personal

development right now.
As for the first idea that the Law of Attraction has somehow failed to work, my own

experience tells me that this is simply not possible, the Law of Attraction is not a

business plan, or a clever scheme that is subject to markets or the moods of individuals,

it is as constant and predictable as the sun rise, all that is required is the appropriate

level of understanding in order to leverage its potential.
This I believe is where a lot of confusion exists, why do some people seem to be able

to apply the Law of Attraction with great affect and others struggle to see the smallest

things manifest? The answer is knowledge, there is a basic lack of understanding about how the Law of

Attraction works. Some people however seem to be able to easily apply the Law of

Attraction and get results even though they have no more knowledge of what is actually

happening than the next person, why is this? It is because some individuals have a mental

pre-disposition to accepting the Law of Attraction, its requirements and outcomes without

question, others don't and require further instruction about the fundamentals of the

law of attraction before being able to apply themselves properly.
Its a bit like being given a kit for a model aeroplane without the assembly

instructions, some people may have a natural understanding about how to assemble things,

they may have watched their father assembling model aeroplanes in the past, but for

others it will be an almost impossible task, time consuming and frustrating.
It is my experience that with a basic increase in understanding about the Law of

Attraction and the underlying principles that govern it, any individual can begin to see

real results in every area of their life almost immediately. So let's now take a look

at some of that useful knowledge that will assist us in gaining a better understanding of

how to apply the Law of Attraction to great affect.

The Most Important Thing
The first thing that I would like to say is that the Law of Attraction is not the most

powerful law in the universe, contrary to popular opinion, there are a number of

underlying principles that govern how the Law of Attraction works, and that is where we

shall begin.
I want to start by making this statement; when we use the Law of Attraction, we do not

attract things! this is also contrary to popular opinion. There is not a sports car with

your vibration on it waiting for you to

believe that it's yours before it appears in the driveway. This may seem a ridiculous

statement, but there are many teachers of the Law of Attraction that state exactly that,

it's about manifesting things, well it's not.
The Law of Attraction does not work by you putting out a thought vibration to the

universe and somehow the universe, through the principle of the Law of Attraction,

responds to that thought by sending you the thing that matches that vibration, yet

unfortunately this is what is taught. Some people simply accept this explanation and get

on with using the Law of Attraction to great success, you could call that blind faith,

and I have no problem with that at all, but it won't work for everyone, and that does

concern me because it can work for everyone.
The most important thing you will ever understand about the Law of Attraction is that

it always involves other people, other minds, other realities, not things. I call this

underlying principle Cooperative Reality and discuss it in detail throughout my book.
Put simply, Cooperative Reality states that in order to apply the Law of Attraction

you require the cooperation of other individuals realities. Understanding this concept

has been the single greatest step in my own personal growth, when I came to this

realization it completely revolutionized my experience in using the Law of Attraction. It

provided me with meaningful direction in the application of all the methods I was

ignorantly using to apply the Law of Attraction.
I have been asked many times to explain my success in using the Law of Attraction, and

I discover that it's not easy to summarise the concept of Cooperative Reality, and that is

why I decided to write my book entitled

Law of Attraction - Cooperative Reality.

I will however attempt to summarise the book in order to give you at least some idea of

the power of this concept in relation to the Law of Attraction.

I must state however that there will be some ideas that may seem very

unusual, but I assure you there is solid scientific evidence for everything I am putting

forward, again, explained in detail throughout my book.

The Quantum Field
First of all we need to ask the question "what is reality?" and I will begin by

taking a brief look at a concept within Quantum Physics called super position. Briefly

stated super position is referring to sub atomic particles appearing in more than one

place at the same time, in fact the same electron, if I may use this particle as an

example, could appear in as many as 3000 different or potential locations simultaneously,

this phenomenon is referred to in Quantum Physics as a wave function. So the entire

universe being made up of the very tiny world of sub atomic particles exists in super

position, or one of many potential locations, on a universal scale Quantum Physicists call this the Field of

This is great new for us all, it means that your reality is not fixed, it is flexible,

changeable, it can be altered from one form to another, but who does the transforming and how?

The Observer
This brings me to the second point I would like to consider, also a concept used in Quantum

Physics called The Observer, and this principle directly affect and alters the Field of Potential.

So what is The Observer? Well, you are the Observer, along with ever other conscious individual

on the planet. And what does the Observer do? The Observer is responsible for the

collapse of the wave function. What does that mean? Basically it means whenever you

consciously observe the Quantum Field you snap your reality into a single location

in time and space. Scientists conduct complex experiments with particles that bare out this

concept and it certainly aligns with my own experience.
So when we observe the Quantum Field, the world, the universe, what position do we

collapse the wave function to? Where does our reality finish up? Well that is determined

by what you believe, and I'm not referring to your religious allegiance, I'm talking about

what you believe your reality should be with every fibre of your being, which is taught in

the Law of Attraction, it's just not generally explained that well.

Now you are not the only Observer collapsing the wave function to set reality by what you

believe, everyone is an Observer, and that is of vital importance to understand.

To properly apply the Law of Attraction we need to somehow alter the way other people view reality,

and we will take a look at that shortly.

Rewiring The Mind
Finally we need to consider how it is that we change our fundamental beliefs about

ourselves and about the world. Fortunately for us, the construct of our belief systems

exist within the mind, in the complex structure of neural pathways that make up the

different areas of the brain. I say fortunately, because recent discoveries in neuroscience have

revealed that the neural structure of the brain is highly flexible, not rigid and fixed as scientists first

thought. You are not destined to be locked in to behaviors and attitudes of the past,

ways of thinking and patterns of belief that have been neurologically passed down to you

by your ancestors through your DNA, you possess the power to reconstruct the neural

pathways in your brain and create a brand new construct of reality in your mind.
This is a vital area of knowledge that most Law of Attraction publications do not go

into, some of the common Law of Attraction methods such as, focussed intention, and

holding an image in the mind of a new reality do have an affect on the neural construct

of the brain, but the affect can be temporary, because we are not taught how to solidify

the new construct for use over the long term. The human mind processes roughly 100,000 bits of

information per second, yet we are only consciously aware of around 2000 bits of that

information. What we need to do is begin to learn how to permanently alter the construct

of our neural net in order to perceive a new reality, to become aware of things that we

had never considered before and forever change our deep beliefs about who we are and what

we are doing here.

Putting it all Together
So what does this all mean in relation to using the Law of Attraction more

effectively? Your first goal when attempting to apply the Law of Attraction must be to

alter your fundamental beliefs about what your own reality is in order to begin

collapsing the quantum field to that new reality, but as I mentioned earlier, you are not the

only one that sets reality through belief, and this is where the Law of Attraction really

comes into its own.
As you apply all the methods around the Law of Attraction, visualization, intentions,

gratitude etc, you create a stronger reality for yourself, and that reality connects with

corresponding vibrations in the minds of those around you. You begin to alter other

individuals beliefs in relation to you, and they also begin to collapse the quantum

field in alignment with your new reality. Basically you create a stronger personal

reality that affects those around you, this is no game of chance, but using the

Law of Attraction properly does feel a little like stacking the odds in your favour.

When I first began to really understand and

apply the principles mentioned above, all the small details of my life began to change,

my life went from 80 percent of the things that happened to me being a disappointment to 80

percent of things becoming truly positive and magical virtually overnight.

Your life consists in all the small details that make up your reality, you don't

need to be somewhere else or do something else in order to be truly happy, using the Law

of Attraction you can begin to quickly transform every area of your life from the mundane

to the incredible, everyone has this ability, all you need is a brain and a choice.
As I said, it is difficult to explain this subject briefly, but I hope you have found

this article helpful in your understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works.
If you would like to learn more about properly applying the Law of Attraction

and find out about the practical methods I use for changing my own fundamental beliefs and affecting

the reality of those around me, I encourage you to consider reading my book

Law of Attraction - Cooperative Reality, you will find simple practical methods for using the Law of Attraction

and Cooperative Reality, along with clear explanations of all the concepts I have mentioned in this article.
You are an incredible, eternal being, full of power and potential, I wish you every

success in your search for change through the Law of Attraction.
If you would like to learn more, feel free to visit my website []

Article Source:


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Law of Attraction Article: Do You Know About The Power Of Flow?

By Robin Harris

Flow is the quality of ease that can be integrated into a life to give it the look and feel of almost effortless achievement. It's not as elusive as it may seem. We all know people who go through life attracting opportunity after opportunity; or those who have a knack for being at the right place at the right time to connect with the right people.

These people seem unusually lucky; life seems to favor them but in reality they have turned synchronicity and attraction into a habit where most people experience them in random fashion. Our culture has been programmed to link struggle with valor and so the tendency is to unconsciously choose struggle over ease.

This struggle mentality validates the assumptions that life is hard and you have to work hard to get make ends meet or to get ahead. It places the under-achiever in declivity while setting the high performance achiever up for burnout. This struggle mentality is a sickness that is perpetuated by both the unsuccessful and the successful. There is a high price attached to success that is adrenaline-based; there is this unending pressure to go faster, work harder, jump higher, sleep less, and do more. This model of success is very unattractive, very expensive, and is simply a more glamorous form of failure.

The high performance achiever may be relentless at first, but eventually as the burn intensifies, they begin to ask themselves, "Is this all there is?" There is a better way that leads to success that can be achieved and sustained without amputating other important aspects of yourself and your life.

Steven Lane Taylor, author of the book Row, Row, Row Your Boat; A Guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow", suggests that we can intentionally tap into the flow of life's benevolent energy. When we do, we begin to move gently toward our goals instead of racing past them like an Olympic runner being chased by a herd of frightened elephants. The high performance achiever is often the one who is most at risk in becoming trapped in the work harder, faster, longer paradigm.

In Steven's book, he uses the song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" to provide a simple model for unlocking the mystery of flow.

Written by Robin Harris, a coach, an author, an instructional designer, a certified TeleClass leader, and a spiritual entrepreneur. She draws her experience from 20 years in the technology industry, graduate studies in human development and growth, and she is a lifetime learner acquiring knowledge and wisdom from a variety of spiritual studies. She offers group and individual coaching and designs instructional programs that help people achieve maximum results while developing their potential. She is a Certified Provider of the Highlands Ability Battery® and a DesignerLife Coach, as well as the founder of Designerlife Coaching and the recently launched Designerlife Learning Cafe.
Article Source:

ABRAHAM ON GOD - Esther & Jerry Hicks