Thursday, December 2, 2010

Smiling Eyes

Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.
– Mother Teresa

This quote made me think of a short story from my own experience.  I was just noticing the results and thinking about them yesterday, so it is, of course, synchronistic for me to pull this quote this morning.

A couple weeks ago, the YouTube video "Validation" moved through my social circles again.  It had been a while since I'd seen it, so I watched the whole 15 minute video.

Upon finishing, I felt utterly inspired to go out into the world that day and speak as many validating things as I could, and to everyone that I could.  And I did.

There wasn't a tremendous amount of validation flying around, but that's just because I don't generally encounter that many people throughout the day.

One person I did encounter though, was L, the secretary at the elementary school.  I see her all the time because I will often go to the school to drop off lunches for my boys if I was unable to "get my act together" earlier in the morning.  This probably happens 3 times each week.

On this especially validating day, I walked into the school and set the lunches on the counter.  We exchanged pleasant greetings as always and I smiled... as always.

The funny thing is, I've always gotten the feeling that she doesn't really like me.  She's always perfectly kind and pleasant toward me, as though she has no real REASON to dislike me and doesn't want to seem like a bitch, but her smile is always missing from her eyes.

So anyway, on this day, we exchanged greetings as always, and as I walked back out of the door, she wished me a good day, always.

THIS time though, I turned to her as I was about to close the door and I said, "You have a good day too, L. We are SO blessed to have you here in this office, doing everything you do everyday. You are truly irreplaceable!"

There was a teacher standing next to the counter and she emphatically agreed with me as I finished, with an "ISN'T SHE!?!?"

L just stood there looking a little dumbfounded.  Honored, humbled, a little like she might cry... but totally dumbfounded.  I didn't even wait for a reply.  I closed the door in my hand and turned on my heel and bounced right out of that school.

I have seen L at least 7 times since that morning, and now.... her eyes smile at me.

Great Titles by Mother Teresa

No Greater Love Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light - The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta Where There Is Love, There Is God: A Path to Closer Union with God and Greater Love for Others

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