Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
- Proverb

I have been laid up in bed for three days with a wicked cold. It is my goal to have a post here before 11am every morning, and it is currently, as I type this, 10:43am.

Coming here to get a daily dose of depth is the only reason I sat up. Yup, I'm in my bed, with my laptop.

I am trying to be at peace with this virus and I'm having a little trouble :)

The roses.
I have nowhere to be, so no one is missing me, and I can take my time and not worry about it.

The kids are home on vacation, but they're older now and pretty darn self sufficient. They're actually taking care of ME.

The animals keep gathering around to snuggle me with their warm, furriness.

I have Frasier reruns on DVR to watch and a whole box of my favorite tea.

This is really my own fault. This is what I get for eating so so so much sugar over the holidays, not to mention the other unhealthy choices in food. I did a lot of drinking too, which is actually very unlike me, but done just the same.

I guess one can only weaken their body so much before dis-ease creeps in.
This too shall pass.

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