We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
– Joseph Campbell
Today is the birthday of my middle child, Michael. He is eleven.
Motherhood isn't at all like I thought it would be. I think too many people get wrapped up in their role as "mother" and forget to be a friend to their children.
I know some people say you can't be friends with your kids but I beg to differ.
A friend is honest with you, no matter what. A friend has got your back in any situation and can always be depended on. A friend is someone you respect and look up to. A friend is someone who respects and looks up to you.
I wasn't always a friend to my kids. I used to be pretty uppity.
I was given this vision of motherhood from my mother in which mother has grown up things to do and you as the child are just in the way. You need to be quieted and made to conform and comply. You need to follow the rules I set forth for you, regardless of how you feel about them and regardless of whether *I* adhere to the same rules.
I started being a friend to my kids when I realized the very best rule I could implement in our household was, "Do as I do."
Now, I know the standard around the world is "Do as I say, not as I do," which is the big one that got my own mother in a lot of trouble. You cannot condemn cigarette smoking to your child as you take a drag from your own. You cannot condemn drinking, partying, sex, and other unsafe behaviors by engaging in them now, and preaching the perils later.
As a mother, I am the example. I am the life they will live. I learned a valuable lesson the day I took responsibility for that and began to consciously live a life that I could honor my children with when the habits were passed onto them.
I stopped needing rules and regulations to restrict my children when I stopped presenting them with so many restrictions. So many "don't do's."
I made my life an example of what TO DO. How TO BE.
Instead of presenting them with a list of what not to do, I present them with what they should do... with what *I* do. Then explain why it's good and why it feels good and why it manifests joy in life.
When they slip up and succumb to their little egos, I don't condemn them or their behavior. I don't shame them or punish them. I help them to see their creation. I shine the light upon their actions and the fruits it will bear so that they may choose the good feeling path on their own instead of feeling pushed one way or the other by me.
In my childhood, every time I felt pushed or pulled by my hypocritical parents, I would always seem to naturally meander in the opposite direction with my life. That's how I ended up so far off the path as a teenager.
It was all about rules and regulations and who I'm SUPPOSED to be and how I'm SUPPOSED to act.... and if that wasn't the "me" I was portraying, then I was wrong. I was bad. There was something wrong with me. But not to worry, it was never anything that couldn't be beaten or humiliated out of me.
I've learned that my kids will be who they are supposed to be and the only guidance they REALLY need from me is for me to simply be who I'm supposed to be.
Sometimes the vision we set out with isn't the vision we end up with, but we can never be who we truly are unless we let go of who we thought we were supposed to be.
Happy Birthday Michael. You are a beautiful soul and I am so honored to be trusted with your care and I value your influence in my life. I've learned so much from you and I am so pleased with the wonderful young man you are and the one you are becoming every day. The world is a brighter place with you in it.
Great Titles by Joseph Campbell
The Hero with a Thousand Faces |
The Power of Myth |
Pathways to Bliss
Mythology and Personal Transformation |