– Malidoma Some
A great reminder as we cruise into 2011.
Everything you need for the fulfillment of your purpose is already within you. There's nothing you need to find or acquire. It's all right there, inside you.
You were made perfect and complete.
Just as an acorn contains everything it needs within it to become the mighty oak, you contain everything you need to become the mighty you.
All you really need to do is acknowledge that it's there, within you, and ask it to come forward and reveal itself to you. Then just wait until some synchronicity smacks you in the face, or until you feel suddenly inspired to move in one direction or another.
The best gift you can give yourself is to stop looking outside of yourself for fulfillment and look within.
Of Water and the Spirit Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman |
Ritual Power, Healing and Community |
La Avot Sheli (Music Download) |
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