Thursday, January 6, 2011

To Create, Not Change What's Wrong

In struggling against anguish one never produces serenity; the struggle against anguish only produces new forms of anguish.
– Simone Weil

This reminds me of Mother Teresa who declined to join a march against war stating that if they organized a march FOR PEACE, she'd be there.

We cannot make "bad" things stop or go away.  We CAN, however, make "good" things start or come closer.

This is a Universe of inclusion.  That means that all things are included.  If you're focused upon it, it will expand.

So, don't go out your door determined to STOP WAR.  Go out your door intending to bring peace.

Don't try to STOP DISEASE.  Instead, bring health.

Our life here is about creation.  We are creators.  It's what we do.

Now, knowing this, I want you to try to create "stop," or "don't," or "no."  You can't do it.  You simply cannot create those things.  What you will create is whatever subject comes after those words.

You will never create "stop hurting me" but you CAN create "love me."

The next time you feel like something's just not going the way you want it to, stop and consider what you want to create.  Not what IS or what shouldn't be or what you wish wasn't.... What do you WANT.

And then, for me at least (because I'm ALL about the higher power working through you), I ask for help from God.

God, please help me bring ____ into my life for the highest good of All.  Help me be this change and create joy and peace with it.  Thank you for all the wonderful blessings in my life.  I am eternally grateful and in love with it all.  Amen.

Don't ever pray; God, please make this stop.  God please take this away.  God please change what's wrong.
God wants to know what's RIGHT and what's GOOD and where your GRATITUDE is.  Whatever you're praying is assumed to be all those things.

Don't tell God his creations are wrong or unworthy or hated.  Just pour your blessings upon what is RIGHT and WONDERFUL, even if you can't see it all right now.

Great Titles by Simone Weil

Waiting for God
Waiting for God

Simone Weil: An Anthology
Simone Weil: An Anthology

Gravity and Grace (Routledge Classics)
Gravity and Grace

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