yourself, know who you are, what you believe in, and where
you want to go.
– Sheila Murray Bethel
This is a courageous thing to do because it's one of the HARDEST to complete when you want to change.
It can be scary to know that you're not who you once were. You've changed. But everyone around you is the same. They talk the same and think the same and act the same as they always did, only now.... you don't.
I've found, personally, that when I've changed and continued spending time with the "old" friends, my change cannot complete itself. I'm only different when I'm alone. Then I'd get around those old friends and easily and unconsciously I would slip right back into the old me.
It's hard to maintain a conscious change when you spend time around people that bring out the unconscious you.
It'd be like if you made a decision to quit drinking alcohol, but continued going to a tavern and hanging out with alcoholic friends. How long do you think you'd continue to not drink?
Probably not very long.
When I decided I wanted to put less processed food into my body and more fresh, organic food, it was hard to BE that change. I rawked the organics at home, but then I'd get around other people, and I didn't want to come off stuck up or anything, so I would just eat whatever was put in front of me.
Now, I don't. Now, I make the same choices when out with friends as I make when I'm at home. I'm not embarrassed or apologetic. I won't be made to feel bad about making healthy choices for my body. I choose me. I choose my health.
It takes courage to know who you are and to move in the direction you want to go, especially when it means leaving behind some places and people. It's important though. It's who you are.
God gave you a song to sing, and you should sing it! Don't let naysayers keep your song bottled up inside. They're only naysayers because they don't accept who THEY are and are too afraid to BE themselves. They want you to be just like them, but don't.
Decide who you want to be, and be You instead.
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