Saturday, January 8, 2011

Embracing Changes

There are forces at work in your psyche which you cannot control.
They belong to a deeper and wiser part of yourself.
Sometimes it is essential to change an aspect of your life.
This is often the case if you are in a situation which is wrong for you or stagnating. If you resist change, your unconscious wisdom may give you a push by causing a disturbance in your life.
The shock you experience may therefore be a way of forcing necessary change on you.
– Sarah Dening

 Change is the only real constant in our lives.  Energy is always in motion.

When we resist change, all we do is create discomfort for ourselves. We are always growing, and our perception is always changing.  When we try to remain steadfast in out perceptions when they're urging us to see differently, it creates pain.

When we go with the flow, and roll with the changes, and make the best of each situation while looking for solutions and comfort, we create an empowered and happy life for ourselves.

When we sit tight, insisting that we know everything, and we've reached our end, life tends to get more and more choppy around us.  Choppy and uncomfortable until our situation forces us into action and change.

Then once we change, our world levels out, and we find that peace and happiness again.  Even if only temporarily.  But our happiness is only temporary in this life model because we base our happiness upon our situation and circumstances.

Embracing the fact that life IS change creates an everlasting happiness that isn't dependent upon circumstances.  Knowing that change is ever coming toward you enables you to see your options and choose, instead of digging your heels in and refusing to move.

Change is exciting.  It's exhilarating to have endless options and choices, and the power to pick and choose and create.

Embrace your power to choose and change.  You have a guidance system inside of you to guide.  Allow it to show you the way.  It will never steer you wrong.

Great Titles by Sarah Dening

The Everyday I Ching
The Everyday I Ching

Mythology of Sex an Illustrated Explorat
The Mythology of Sex
Am Illustrated Explorant

Healing Dreams: How to Interpret Your Dreams and Change Your Life (Hamlyn Mind, Body, Spirit S.)
Healing Dreams
How to Interpret Your Dream and Change Your Life

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