- Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Your mind is given to you as a tool. It is very useful indeed. It allows you to contemplate and reason. It allows you to plan and remember.
It also allows you to imprison yourself, held captive by shame and regret. Beaten down by your own thoughts and rendered immobile in a belief that you are an undeserving failure.
Every time you beat yourself up, you cast another iron bar in your self imposed prison. Every time you believe that little voice in your head that says unkind things, you allow demons to rule your world.
Imagine your child making a mistake and verbally abusing themselves for it. As a parent, you would immediately rush in explaining that mistakes are just mistakes. In short, shit happens. But we all move forward and just intend to do better next time.
Why is that so hard to believe about ourselves?
Why do we believe that we should never slip up? Why do we deny our human-ness. Why do we understand and accept with grace and kindness, the mistakes of others while belittling and blaming ourselves?
I believe in the golden rule which says, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And I believe that generally speaking, we DO.
However, I think a more useful and accurate rule for the advancement of our own humanity and self love would be to "Do unto yourself as you do unto others."
Give yourself the same kindness and understanding as you do to others. Don't berate yourself. Don't hate yourself. Any being that acts out in negatively perceived ways only does so out of fear.
Why would you bully someone who is afraid?
If you're disappointed in yourself, vow to change. Vow to do better. Vow to BE better.
But no one ever felt inspired to be MORE because they were bullied or belittled into it. LOVE is what inspires. Love is what transcends the mind and the mind made demons.
All you need is love.
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