–Antoine de Saint-Exupery
My wedding anniversary falls on Thanksgiving this year. I've been thinking about it all week.
This quote reminds me of why we've been together for twelve years and married for ten.
It's never been a terribly "romantic" love. He's only brought me flowers maybe three times in all these years. There's no diamond or gold jewelry that I've been collecting.
But he has created a life for me that I couldn't have imagined better. He's always taken care of our family financially so I might be home with the children. Even now that the children are off at school, still I am given free reign of my life, to do with my time whatever I find pleasing.
We have always stood side by side looking out at forever together. We've always stood looking into forever and seeing the same destination.
Our goal is to be together; To raise our children; To laugh together and love the life we've created together.
There is no right. There is no wrong. There is only a deep love for one another as we stand hand in hand, and a desire to move in the same direction.
Love is not about your ego. Your ego will never be satisfied with this kind of love. Believe me, mine tried for several years. True love isn't romantic... it is your soul expressing your divinity and seeking the divinity in another.
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