Friday, November 19, 2010

God's in the Laundry

My life will always have dirty dishes.
If this sink can become
a place of contemplation,
let me learn constancy here.

–Gunilla Norris

A place of contemplation to be sure!
I find meditating over dirty dishes one of the easiest things to do.  Now to make my brain stop insisting that she doesn't like washing dishes, because she insists rather loudly at times.

Maybe she's afraid I won't need her anymore if I do such mundane, daily chores in joy and contemplation.

Everything in life is Spiritual in nature.  Everything.  Don't stop thinking about your Spirituality and your connection to God just because you're not sitting in a pew or meditating in candle light.

Find God in your dirty dishes.  As a side note; He's in your dirty laundry too!

Great Titles by Gunilla Norris

Being Home: Discovering the Spiritual in the Everyday Inviting Silence: Universal Principles of Meditation A Mystic Garden: Working with Soil, Attending to Soul

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