Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Authentic Integrity

“You are in integrity when the life you are living on the outside matches who you are on the inside.”
- Alan Cohen

This is probably one of the greatest spiritual lessons.  Really amazing things happen when your insides and actions and words all line up.

Mountains move.

Especially when dealing with conscious manifestation.  When your insides don't line up with your outsides, nothing changes.  But when our thoughts and beliefs match our words and our actions, we are living authentically and honoring ourselves and honoring our Source, and from that place, creation takes form.

This is also why one should never measure their success against another's.

You cannot be living authentically when trying to be someone else.  You are you, and whomever you are is who you were designed to be.  Being YOU to the best of your ability, and being true to yourself always is how we truly touch that deepest part of ourselves where out divinity resides.

Great Titles by Alan Cohen

A Deep Breath of Life: Daily Inspiration for Heart-Centered Living A Daily Dose of Sanity: A Five-Minute Soul Recharge for Every Day of the Year Why Your Life Sucks

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