Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Appreciation Out Loud

Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.
–Margaret Cousins

Is there anything that makes us feel more useful or cared for or worthwhile that receiving appreciation?

I know for me personally, as a homemaker/stay-at-home mom, appreciation is a rare commodity. The people in my house take for granted that their clothes show up all clean and in their rooms.  And that they always have clean dishes to eat off of and good food to put put in said dishes.

I don't mind too much usually, but when I do start to mind, I remind myself how much I appreciate having a family to take care of.  How much I appreciate my husband that gets up and goes to work every day so I may have the sort of life that I want.  Kids who light up my every day and make me SO proud to be their mother.

Once I remind myself of my own appreciation, if I verbalize it, everything shifts.  I put into words the appreciation that I feel and things of appreciation become central in the minds of the hearers of my words. 

Then the hearers become bearers of that same appreciation.

Take a moment to appreciate out loud.  Doing so changes your life AND theirs!

Focus on the Good Stuff: The Power of Appreciation The Power of Appreciation: The Key to a Vibrant Life Thank You: In Appreciation of You, and All That You Do (Gift of Inspiration)