“The enlightened give thanks for what most people take for granted. As you begin to be grateful for what most people take for granted, that vibration of gratitude makes you more receptive to good in your life.”
- Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
With Thanksgiving (here in the states) coming tomorrow, it's not surprising I would be lead to a quote about gratitude this fine morning. And this one is certainly not missing the point or lacking in depth.
I've never really thought of myself as "enlightened" because it's hard to imagine one's self that way without sounding pompous or arrogant.
I would, however, describe myself as filled with gratitude that is ever increasing.
The more you find to thank about, the more there IS to thank about. The more you recognize gratitude, the more gratitude you have. And the more gratitude you have, the more there is to be grateful for. And the more there is to be grateful for, the more grateful you will be. And the more grateful you are, the more you will notice all you have to be grateful for.
It's a never ending circle of love and gratitude.
And when you're in the habit of being grateful, you are more able to find gratitude for those people and situations you might have otherwise overlooked or taken for granted.
Because if you walk around your life LOOKING to be grateful, things that make you grateful are going to dominate your experience.
It can be no other way. It is law.
Great Titles by Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith