I am touched my the depth of love and compassion humans can have for animals.
I think it's interesting that when an animal is in danger or if a person is in danger... especially a child...
people pull together, no cost is too great...
no being not worthy...
I think it illustrates the root goodness of man. Even a person whom you might find... immoral... untrustworthy... dishonest... when faced with a Being in peril, the overwhelming majority would become a hero without giving it a second thought.
We are all someone's hero.
No matter who you are or where you've been or what mistakes you've made... Someone thinks of you as their hero. We forget our heroics so easily though. We forget that to BE a hero is to act like a hero. We let the little, nagging voices inside have their dirty way with us and before we know it, we're behaving more the villain than the hero.
So... watch this awesome video....
and remember...
You're someone's hero!